Products that increase libido.

Surely you have heard of the exotic word "aphrodisiacs." What does it mean? Under this name we understand the product is able to affect positively the sexual ability of the person. And the curious name he received in honor of the goddess of passion and of love Aphrodite.

Surely you have heard of the exotic word "aphrodisiacs." What does it mean?

Under this name we understand the product is able to affect positively the sexual ability of the person. And the curious name he received in honor of the goddess of passion and of love Aphrodite.

For a long time people attributed to products-aphrodisiacs only to those, who by their appearance resembled the genitals of a person. In addition to stimulating products carry the sexual organs of the most dangerous and aggressive animals – tigers or walrus.

Modern science has found – do not have to go to look for exotic purveyance to increase their sexual activity. What matters is that the food contains the body needs selenium, zinc, vitamins, essential fatty acids and proteins. But as many of the products-aphrodisiacs that can find in the fridge.

13 products-aphrodisiacs

1. Strawberry

Products that increase libido.

In this fragrant berry contains a lot of zinc that increases the level of sex hormones testosterone. It is useful to eat between 100 and 200 grams of strawberries a day, and, therefore, growing strawberries in home gardens, eat fresh in the summer and in the winter – frozen – and sexual abuse you will not be the same.

2. Avocado

Avocado contains fitosterony that stimulate desire and increase sexual activity. The wealth of potassium and proteins, avocado is not inferior to meat products. But unlike the meat, the avocado is digested faster, which means you will save time and energy in sexual abuse.

In addition, juicy avocado is good to eat between rounds in bed. Also useful to use this fruit is in the salad of oysters or prawns.

3. Dates

Phoenicia is known for its miraculous effect from the time of Ancient Egypt. They are well purify the blood and increase the production of sperm. Dates will also be useful for those who want to prolong the sex, since they contain a lot of glucose.

4. Honey

Honey – the most delicious and sweet aphrodisiac. And it is precisely called the natural reduction of sexual energy. A large number of nutrients contained in honey, quickly and effectively restore the sexual energy. Very useful daily use of the honey in a small amount – a tablespoon on an empty stomach, drink hot tea or milk.

5. Seeds and nuts

Nuts and seeds are also a great aphrodisiac natural. Have a positive impact on the power due to the large amount of vitamins b and E. since time immemorial, in India to improve the power use toasted sesame seeds, mixed with honey. Made of ground sesame and honey halva also increases the sexual desire.

All the nuts increase the libido and affect the potency. Especially noteworthy is the walnuts, the pine nuts and almonds. Peanuts kernels can be eaten alone or with honey and pine nuts can make a cup. Crush the nuts, pour boiling water and leave for a certain period of time. The honey or sugar, add to taste.

Products that increase libido.

6. Chocolate

It is well known that the chocolate improves the mood, the energy, and an active agent, especially for women. Chocolate stimulates the production of the hormone of pleasure – serotonin, and that takes the person to a mild euphoria and love. chocolate

50-40 grams of chocolate per day will help improve your sexual activity and improve mood. In an intimate atmosphere and games don't forget the chocolate – eat chocolate, ask your girlfriend stringy cup of hot chocolate. The chocolate game is always very interesting and enjoyable. Invite the partner to collect the drops of chocolate or patterns in the language.

7. Api

Api at the time was an integral ingredient favorite salads of the Marquise de Pompadour, and she as anyone not versed in sensual pleasures. The api is rich in vitamin C, calcium, potassium and phosphorus.

6 aphrodisiacs

8. Ginger

Ginger aids digestion, stimulates circulation and maintains the tone of the intimate tissue. It is useful for both men (increases the potency) and women (improvement in the circulation of the blood in the organs pelvic).

Take ginger as:

  • additions to the tea. Mix ginger powder with honey and drink with tea. This drink has an excellent tonic effect.
  • drink. Boil 1 teaspoon of dried ground ginger in a Cup of boiling water.
  • the dye. 100 g ginger root pour 300 g of alcohol. Let stand in dark place for 2 weeks. Take 10 drops of tincture every night.

9. Olive oil

Olive oil contains large amounts of vitamin E, which affects the genital organs. The men useful for the use of 2-3 tablespoons of olive oil a day (salads), this helps to improve erection.

Products that increase libido.

10. Eggs

A Sheikh, the author of the ancient Arabic treatise "the Perfumed garden", to increase male potency is recommended the use of eggs: "the Man... have a big number of egg, and Fry them with fresh butter; and when the dish will be cooked, let them fill it with lots of honey, thoroughly mix it. Take a bit of bread, you should eat more of that food - and, then make sure that its members do not give him no rest all night."

The fact is that the eggs are like no other product that can quickly replenish the male body with the necessary reserves of protein, vitamins A and B1. And the body is again ready for feats.

11. All

Unfortunately, it is difficult to imagine after ingestion of garlic can go on a romantic date, but, nevertheless, garlic is a good aphrodisiac. Content allicin increases blood circulation in the genital area and affect arousal.

12. Fish and seafood

Seafood contain large amounts of iodine and of easy digestion of proteins. Of all the seafood the best aphrodisiacs can be called caviar and oyster. Caviar is rich in proteins and folic acid, which is so necessary for the body of a woman, especially if she is planning pregnancy. Fish and seafood

Oysters also contain the hormone dopamine, stimulating the libido; zinc, which increases testosterone levels and iron that is responsible for the saturation of tissues with oxygen.

13. Meat

Interestingly, the meat is also an excellent aphrodisiac, especially for men. Yes, we agree that a large amount of meat overloads the stomach, and all the blood rushes to the digestive organs, and, therefore, after a meal, it is unlikely that it comes to sex. However, a moderate amount of meat increases the potency of men.

Products that increase libido.

Meat aphrodisiacs include beef, chicken, Turkey and rabbit. Pork and the duck should be consumed with care and in small amounts, because this food is very fatty and contains large amount of cholesterol.

Note also that the value of the meat depends on the method of its preparation. For example, cooked in the oven of the meat is better absorbed by the body and, therefore, improves the functioning of reproductive organs. And from fried and smoked meat should abstain – it is not aphrodisiacs. By the way, don't forget to serve the meat, as a side of vegetables – they are rich in vitamins and stimulate the sex glands, increase of power.